Following Leads.
Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream......
The kind of extremes I level with in my life that I maintain balance of only I am capable of with help from the source. Therefore,I'm happy I get to know my strengths, now I understand when I'm told be delighted in your struggles because they build you....I really do,the sooner you guys understand the better.
I wouldn't want to come out any different. You remember Whitney Houston's I didn't know my own strength🎼🎼🎼 . It feels just like that. It feels good to rise and know this is me now, this is my life now and only I can make the decisions now. What to say, what to do,how to do it,for how long and to trust myself that it's the right thing.
It is more than what I will wear tomorrow it's more of what will I do to change my tomorrow.
If I see you today I'm just happy knowing that within you there's a place of pure peace,bliss, understanding and love where we are all one.
Everything that I have done has taught me a lesson, to let my failures be lessons and wins my motivation. This is not pep talk haha guess I'm finding closure. As I reminisce today I know that I've been in class all my life literally.... I've been learning, now I know better and I am ready to use my lessons to create good.
Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream......
The kind of extremes I level with in my life that I maintain balance of only I am capable of with help from the source. Therefore,I'm happy I get to know my strengths, now I understand when I'm told be delighted in your struggles because they build you....I really do,the sooner you guys understand the better.
I wouldn't want to come out any different. You remember Whitney Houston's I didn't know my own strength🎼🎼🎼 . It feels just like that. It feels good to rise and know this is me now, this is my life now and only I can make the decisions now. What to say, what to do,how to do it,for how long and to trust myself that it's the right thing.
It is more than what I will wear tomorrow it's more of what will I do to change my tomorrow.
If I see you today I'm just happy knowing that within you there's a place of pure peace,bliss, understanding and love where we are all one.
Everything that I have done has taught me a lesson, to let my failures be lessons and wins my motivation. This is not pep talk haha guess I'm finding closure. As I reminisce today I know that I've been in class all my life literally.... I've been learning, now I know better and I am ready to use my lessons to create good.
Feelings and thoughts.
Sometimes I get so indulged that I forget there are people who love and support me,well they are there I just think of myself mostly which is not bad thing but then I know you got feelings and I love you all too...I never forget all the selfless deeds I've received quiet a number of times even if I didn't deserve them honestly.well let's not get soppy here but that's the truth,love is the ultimate truth.In a day I swim on thoughts deep and shallow ones ,I write them just in case I forget since some really need to be put down. They are like my 'mwakenya' I confirm just in case.
Till days ago I thought this should be about Ankara and colors then I decided why not share what motivates the creations, besides now that I mentioned Ankara,it is about my world of creations.
I'm just going to highlight this once more,take the mask off,you might meet another vulnerable soul out there.see you guys on the other side of the stars... Much love and gratitude to all of you.