
Vast Wealth. 
Nature is an authentic vast wealth that ranges from  air to soil, water bodies, forest bodies and landforms for example. That is just a scratch on the surface of it all. Co-existence of species is something that beats an explanation, a topic that has a lot of detail to it.
This article is inspired by picture pieces showcased by articulate photography and my reaction was;Potrait worthy. Don't you agree?

These are taken by the Lake Victoria. The waters harbor wildlife anh his work is a beautiful display.

Caption:'And on the calm waters of Lake Victoria lies the story of a fisherman and his competitors' 

This image depicts human activities tied to a  story of livelihood challenge. Thanks for sharing the such existence. 

Photographer :maxy dbuoy on Instagram 

Location:Mbita, L. Victoria .

Written by :charity_thegirlboss on Instagram  


Anonymous said…
Great read!
The photos are really lovely. Great post! Siobhan ♡ | Vegan Babe Life

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