Path Forward.
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Sometimes its not as chaotic around us as we might think or want to believe.When there is a storm inside there has to be a source.Until it is calm any other outside influences on fuel the storm.fighting against could bring adversities and pain.These storms are meant to show something.Each time anything we undertake is out of control,we could be probably trying to use our own strength or trying to control outcomes out of fear or impatience.Things somehow come to a standstill physically or output wise.
Its even easy sometimes to forget that where we are from is not through or by our own might and might try working things out ourselves not wanting to 'loose' cause you could be familiar with the feeling and it isn't pleasant.The truth is even you cant pinpoint step by step how you specifically got to this point which is not where you were some time back.Where you want to be obviously isn't entirely in your hands.All you can do is ask for guidance that the path forward is the direction you take in a desire to fulfill your dreams and goals.
It doesn't make you powerless ,it only calm the storm of insecurity and fears.It helps appreciate where you are from and the unknown path ahead even though it isn't perfectly clear.
photo by :charity_thegirboss on Instagram.