Hope is Blind.

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 Tomorrow is never promised,what seems to be promised though is that whatever happens only accelerates growth. Both the good and the bad,the challenges and the good times alike.
Every waking moment is a moment of growing and building yourself even in the slightest action. It is more like watering the positives and purging the negatives .A requirement for a progressive forward movement.Water and purge for next level,remain same and stunt or clogged negatives and spiral downwards.No kidding but downward spiral is definitely rough.
Upwards should be to the peak, beautiful scenery and views. You know what they say about the view on top. This is more reason to keep at it.  Hope is blind but the rewards are definitely eye opening. Those little happy dances and adrenaline rushes from winning could be wonderful getting used to. I must have heard someone say they are addicted to success and breaking barriers.

  Photo by:charity_thegirlboss on Instagram

Anyway I like the sound of addicted to success.
To keep at it sometimes takes you back to where you started or the feeling after achieving or why you keep working at it and the answer is probably the same.
With the gift of life together with goals and dreams achievement,maybe a unique path to fulfillment and finding purpose is realized.


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