'Self-ish' Love

Personal Growth.
There are times that we have to grow from babies to grown MEN ... I know 😂
Anyway my love still knows no boundaries,I love my life to begin with For it to be that way,took strength and good will.Anyway good times calls for good measures of greatness.To this point we'll have to take great strides.
I love my life and as much as it could sound off I love y'all.If this was supposed to stay on the draft then I guess we'd never know.
My love knows no boundaries.
Greatness come from risks and saying no to bullies 
Thank God for life.
I'm victorious,I'm a winner,I'm abundant,I am strong and that's that.My mantra.Share with me.
Yes you are strong too, victorious ,a winner, assertive,great and all that comes by it.
Above it all,great is thy faithfulness.


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